30 lives
At the title screen, press Up(2), Down(2), L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3 on controller two. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Level 5 in training mode
Successfully complete level 5 on the normal difficulty setting to unlock level 5 in training mode.
Level 6
Successfully complete level 5 with an "A" rank to unlock level 6.
Level 6 in training mode
Successfully complete level 6 on the normal difficulty setting to unlock level 6 in training mode.
Level 7
Successfully complete level 6 with an "A" rank to unlock level 7.
Level 7 in training mode
Successfully complete level 7 on the normal difficulty setting to unlock level 7 in training mode.
Final Boss battle in training mode
Defeat the final Boss on the normal difficulty setting to unlock the final Boss battle in training mode.
Gallery option
Successfully complete the game with an "A" rank on the normal difficulty setting to unlock the "Gallery" option.
Database option
Successfully complete the game with a "B" or "C" rank on the normal difficulty setting to unlock the "Database" option.
Theater option
Successfully complete the game on the normal difficulty setting. Your rank will determine how much of the theater is unlocked:
Satellite Weapon: Complete level 5 with a "B" or "C" rank.
Return: Complete level 7 up to the credits with an "A" rank.
Triumphant Return: Complete level 7 including after the credits with an "A" rank.
Contra vs. Puppy: Complete the game with an "S" rank. |